Get Screened: Schedule a Colonoscopy

It's easy with direct access appointments

快速安排,不需要办公室访问,当你见面时没有额外的共同支付 medical criteria.

What is a colonoscopy?

结肠镜检查是一种诊断程序,允许医生检查大肠的整个长度. 结肠镜检查可以帮助识别结肠的问题, such as early signs of cancer, inflamed tissue, ulcers, and bleeding. 结肠镜检查也用于筛查结肠直肠癌 second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. 也是男性和女性中第四大常见癌症.An endoscope, which is a long, flexible, lighted tube (also called a colonoscope), is inserted through the rectum into the colon. 除了可以看到内部结肠, the colonoscope enables the doctor to irrigate, suction, inject carbon dioxide (air), and access the bowel with surgical instruments. During a colonoscopy, 医生可能会切除组织和/或息肉进行进一步检查,并可能治疗发现的任何问题.

45岁以上的人都应该进行某种形式的结肠癌筛查.  那些有强烈结肠癌家族史的人可能需要在45岁之前进行筛查.  结肠镜检查是结肠癌筛查的一种形式,具有最早发现肿瘤和潜在肿瘤的优势.  早期肿瘤也可以在结肠镜检查中切除.  如果你的结肠镜检查正常,没有家族史, then you will not need another exam for 10 years.

要了解结直肠癌筛查的其他选择,请阅读 What You Need to Know: Colorectal Cancer

胃肠病学专家进行内窥镜检查, 以及一些普通外科医生和专门从事结肠直肠手术的外科医生.

Meet the 进行直接结肠镜检查的专家 at Valley Medical Center.

7 Reasons to get Screened for Colon Cancer

  1. Colon cancer is the second largest cancer killer
  2. 结肠癌在45岁以上的男性和女性中更为常见
  3. 检测可以发现癌前结肠息肉,因为它们很容易被切除. 息肉是一种小的生长物,如果不切除,可能会演变成癌症
  4. 检测可以在早期发现结肠癌,而且很容易治愈
  5. 如果你有息肉病史,你患结肠癌的风险会更高, colon cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, or a family history of colon cancer or polyps
  6. 如果你有其他癌症(乳腺癌)的家族史, ovarian, or uterine), you are at higher risk for colon cancer
  7. 如果你有任何迹象或症状,如直肠出血,应立即进行筛查

如果你身体健康并且符合医疗指南, 你可以直接打电话预约结肠镜检查, 在您的提供者将您的转介提交给我们的办公室后 . 我们已经使日程安排更容易,所以你不需要先安排一个办公室访问与胃肠病学家. 许多患者都很欣赏这种选择,因为他们节省了自付费用和工作时间. 


You meet one of the following criteria:


None of the following apply to you:

  • Age 45 to 75 years for average risk.
  • 第一级亲属有结肠癌或腺瘤性息肉家族史- 40岁或第一级亲属确诊结肠癌前10年开始(以较早者为准)
  • 既往个人息肉病史需要随访
    • Advanced or multiple (>3) adenomas: screening recommended every 3 years
    • 1 or 2 small (<1 cm) adenomas: screening recommended every 5 to 10 years
  • Colon cancer (personal history)
  • Kidney disease
  • COPD/Emphysema, or oxygen use at home
  • Sleep apnea with BMI >40
  • Insulin dependent diabetes or diabetes with A1C >9
  • 在过去6个月内做过腹部(肠道)手术
  • 需要诊断评估的胃肠道症状,如憩室炎
  • 使用处方血液稀释剂、抗血小板药物(阿司匹林除外)或出血性疾病
  • 重大心脏问题或手术(如起搏器), defibrillator, coronary disease, stents, congestive heart failure, or valvular heart disease)
  • Liver disease (decompensated)
  • Stroke within the last 6 months
  • 行动能力问题,如不能行走(自己移动)或不能独立转移, or require total care assistance
  • 影响镇静或恢复的重大健康问题
  • Current drug/alcohol abuse
  • Anemia


If you meet the medical eligibility requirements above:

Step 1: 让你的初级保健提供者推荐你做结肠镜检查(传真号码是425).690.9088). 

Step 2: Once you have received approval, call 425.690.3488, 预约结肠镜检查(前置时间一般为4周). 当您呼叫并听到录音提示时,按 option 1.

Step 3: Within one week, 你应该收到结肠镜检查预约确认书和处方准备说明. 如果处方特立特(或其他肠道准备溶液)的建议, get your prescription filled.

Step 4: 找个人开车送你回家(如果是打车的话), 护送你回家)因为这是一个镇静的过程. Give your escort Pick up Instructions.

Step 5: 仔细阅读并遵循您的提供者给您的说明.

Step 6: On the day of your procedure, 在预约时间前45分钟到内窥镜检查中心登记. Get directions to VMC.

If you do not meet the medical eligibility requirements:


Dr. Bernier在视频中回答了以下问题:

1. How does colorectal cancer screening save lives?
2. 新的筛查指南和年龄建议是什么?
3. 筛查有哪些选择,包括大便检查和结肠镜检查,它们是如何工作的?
4. 每个测试都有哪些注意事项和限制?
5. 那么结肠镜检查前的肠道准备有什么大不了的呢?
6. 什么是息肉,为什么要在结肠镜检查时切除? 7. 我们可以改变哪些生活方式来降低患结直肠癌的风险?
8. What are the signs & symptoms of colorectal cancer?
9. 病人如何转介到十大正规网赌软件医院接受筛检?



Service Location

Endoscopy Center

17820 Talbot Rd. S
Renton, WA 98055
Call 425.690.3636 Fax 425.690.9236

Main Hospital, 2nd Floor

Main Hospital, 2nd Floor
400 South 43rd Street
Renton, WA 98055